Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Spikes AR-15 Review

Spike's has a great reputation for attention to detail and quality. I did a lot of research and perused many of the AR forums. Spike's Tactical has received high praise and glowing reviews by nearly all their customers. Over and over again I read of satisfied customers raving about the workmanship and attention to detail in the product that they had just received. With these high expectations, I took my buddy's Spike's AR-15 to the range.

The weapon was very light but felt well built. It had a beautiful finish and the Spike's brand all over it. Even a colored brand on the mag well. We had an Eotech holographic sight than scoped in really easily at about 50 yards. This rifle is very accurate!

Trigger pull is very smooth with a nice solid resting spot before the squeeze. We were firing both factory and reload .223's without any problems. The upper and lower fit together quite smoothly and the factory mag locks in tightly. I found this weapon to be a lot of fun and recommend it to anyone looking for a light sporting rifle. Spike's makes a version chambered in .22 LR that would be a fun little plinker for relatively cheap as far as militarized weapons of this quality go.

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